Legal notice

Provider pursuant to § 18 (1) of the State Media Treaty

State of North Rhine-Westphalia

represented by the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Friedrichstrasse 62-80
40217 Duesseldorf

Phone: +49 211 871 01
Fax: +49 211 871 3355
E-mail: poststelle[at]

Authorised representative

Minister for the Interior of the State North Rhine-Westphalia Herbert Reul

Legal form

Corporation under public law

VAT identification number


Technical concept, implementation and operation

bevuta IT GmbH

Stauffenbergstraße 14-20
51379 Leverkusen 

E-mail: nora-notruf[at] 



Easy German

Texts in Easy German by AnWert e.V., Aachen
Written by Karin Schütt and Lea Heuser.
Reviewed by Julian Ascheid and Hans Bleser.

German Sign Language

German Sign Language version of the nora explainer video by SignGes, Aachen
Sign language interpreter: Isa Werth

All other videos in German Sign Language by yomma GmbH, Berlin
Sign language interpreter for instruction videos: Corinna Brenner
Sign language interpreter for other videos: Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo 


English translations by BRANCO® Translation and Interpreting, Bonn

Copyright notice

All contents of this website, especially texts, graphics and videos, are protected by copyright.

Anyone who copies the content without the explicit permission from the rights holder and uses it, for example, on their own website, is liable to prosecution under Section 106 et seq. of the German Copyright Act and must pay the rights holder damages accordingly. 

If you wish to use any of the contents of this website, please contact us - for example, simply via nora-notruf[at]

Logo and app icon

For the ideas, preparations and graphic realization of the logo and app icon of the emergency call app, we would like to thank the Competence Center Self-Determined Living for People with Sensory Disability NRW (KSL-MSi-NRW, supported by the European Social Fund).

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia, represented by the Business and Coordination Office Emergency Call App System at the Ministry of the Interior NRW, holds the licensing rights and a Europe-wide word-picture trademark to the logo and app icon of the emergency call app nora.

Legal information on the use of the offer

The Ministry prepares the information for this website with great care and makes every effort to ensure that it is up-to-date, correct and complete. The contents of the website are intended primarily for general information and do not constitute a business, legal or other consulting service.

The Ministry is not liable for any material or non-material damage caused by the use of the service, unless it can be proven that the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.

Reference may be made by to other websites. The contents of the linked websites are, among others, designed by institutions and/or companies over which the Ministry has no influence. The Ministry does not adopt the contents listed there as its own. We always set our links to external websites with the necessary care, but if you should find questionable or illegal content on websites to which reference is made, the Ministry would appreciate corresponding information.

In addition, we point out that parts of the website or the entire website may be changed, supplemented or deleted without separate notification. The temporary or permanent termination of the publication is also possible without notice.